Week 7

 This week there is not much to report on. We are continuing to comb through the sources we have and even search for some new primary sources to use. This week I have been focusing on continuing to work through primary sources. However, this week we have talked about working on a system to allow us to better keep track of who is doing what. David and I have discussed how we wanted to split the work left to do. It would be good to get a clearer picture of where we are in our work, which would be the primary goal of the system. Doctor Gannon has a system she uses for other projects using Excel spreadsheets. Next week, we will go over this in-depth. 

Since we discussed the organization, I decided I should organize the work I have done so far. While I have my system that I started a few weeks back. I don’t always remember while I am working. Doctor Gannon recommended we write notes on the sources we look at and put them in a word document. I have been keeping up with physical note writing. I prefer writing physically since I find it helps me remember and focus. However, I ended up noting on a word document for some sources. So have put my notes from paper to a collective word document. Along with moving ahead with more sources, I have been putting a focus on moving my work into one place. 

For the past two weeks, we have been discussing the language of what we write. The goal remains to bring attention to the forgotten men at Olustee. It seems simple, and we have already come up with the tone we want to set. I simply thought about it and how I wasn’t sure what words would be the right ones. It feels like an odd hangup to have. I have been writing about so many other subjects that I find just as important and care about. I suppose the difference in this is that this is not something I am turning into a professor. This internship is about pushing my comfort zone and learning the inner workings of public history projects. I suppose public academic writing is more out of my comfort zone more than I expected. I look forward to continuing our work. Next week, we will work on how we will document and share our progress with each other. We discuss this at the beginning of every meeting, but I look forward to having a visual of our progress. 


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